Wednesday 12 January 2011

Okay so while the finishing touches are being put on scene 1 inside the gallery, animation is beginning for scene 2. Myself and Joe have split the shots in half, ad I'll be taking the first half, which happens to fit onto this sheet of Malachi's storyboard:

The next page of the story shows the plans we had for the statue shattering, but there's a big problem with this. The plug-in we need to be able to shatter the statue is really hard to get hold of, both legally and illegally. Dave sent an email to the company who made it enquiring about any possible discounts for students, and they never answered back. And when we searched online for a crack version of it we could only get hold of a windows version, and we're all used macs. This does change the film quite a bit, but we sat round and talked about what we thought we could do without the use of plug-ins that could wrk just as well. After a lot of discussion we decided that the character would again let his curiosity get the better of his and touch the stick holding up the sculpture, which would make it all come crashing down to the floor. As impressive as shattering the thing to pieces would have looked, I think this idea could work well too. It seems a shame to compromise but there's not much else we can do unfortunately, and it's getting quite late in the term for decisions like these to be drawn out and we needed to decide the next step as a group.

So Joe is gonna handle the other half of scene two, and there are only two shots of the film when it returns to the gallery so we'll take one each on that too. Again, I'm going to get going with the animation and post it all up in a couple of days once it's all done.

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