Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Render: Done. Editing: Almost.

So just a quick update that starts with some good news: everything rendered fine! Dave and Maik have done a wicked job with the rendering and everything's been passed through adrive to James for the editing to being. James has posted a few drafts on the Meat and Five Veg facebook group but everyone has been pointing out certain things they want changed including myself. It's not a personal attack on James in any way at all, but we just want everything to look as good as it can. There were some problems with very strange sound choices, some out of sync noises and there were a couple of shots that got corrupted when they hopped onto adrive which is nobodies fault. I feel bad pointing out things that I'd like changed because I know that editing s no easy task, but I keep telling myself that voicing an opinion is the right thing to do which I know it is, I just still feel bad. But James is putting a lot of effort in as I type and he has been for a while so I'm very confident that he'll produce an edit that we're all pleased with very very soon.

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