Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Shot 1

Shot 1: done. It really upsets me that all the effort I put into cushioning the animation and really subtle moving holds don't show up in the youtube clip above. But at least I know they're there and that they will show up in the final render, so I can sleep at night. The next shot I'm going to work on is the step/trip over the rope. Pretty nervous about this one because it's gonna be tricky. Below are a coupe of videos of me attempting to make something to work from, and looking like a complete idiot at the same time. It has been useful, but I think I'm going to need to sketch this out to understand it more.

This first one was a little extreme, and I was going at it too 'straight on' if that makes any sense. Tried to fix these problems in the second one.

No idea why that's playing so fast but this one actually helped me a lot more. But I didn't know what to do with my hands. I was conscious of not knowing what to do with the hands before I made the video, so I think I forced it a bit when I filmed it. But this is something I can work out when I start sketching poses out, and the video helped me out a lot with the legs. It was really helpful to see that the leg rises first in anticipation of the height of the object, and then the toes push the weight over rope.

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